About America

These are the times that try men’s souls.

July 31, 2012

“The Crisis”  by Thomas Paine -  Dec 23rd 1776   (from http://www.ushistory.org/paine/crisis/c-01.htm) Interesting reading.  This was written when American independence hung in the balance.  Battered and beaten to retreat out of New York, and across New Jersey into Pennsylvania.  A bleak time before the famous Delaware crossing into Trenton and a greatly needed victory.  Much is simple historical detail, but just…

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Can you say quadrillion?

July 27, 2012

Can you say quadrillion?   You better get use to it. Showing my age, when a 1 trillion dollar budget was sent congress Jan 6, 1987,  I remember thinking  holy crap.  Trillion? Really? Sure I heard that number used before but that’s a sci fi number, that’s a Carl Sagan number an outer space number.   That’s a number that should not…

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You didn’t build that.

July 26, 2012

“You didn’t build that”.   Just for a moment, forget the immediate reaction and controversy over the exact wording.  What if he really did mean roads and bridges instead of the business that benefit from them.  Beyond the hubbub, what was his point? Let me, a simple man, try to follow what he was talking about.   Pull…

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Taxation Without Representation – what about the Children?

July 18, 2012

What about the Children? Kids under 18 should be getting mad, and to the untold unborn should get mad once they are born and are old enough to figure this out. Children are being taxed without any representation.  For many, they will get zero benefit from the taxes they will have to pay since the money…

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Anyone can become American

July 18, 2012

America is unique in many ways.    Anyone can become American.   Try to move to France and become French, or move to Germany and become German.   It don’t work…  more to come.

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